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Sorry, I just got done watching Hot Fuzz.

The scene in the castle courtyard where the motive of the murders is revealed is one of my all time favorites.

Furry pretty much hit its height of cultural impact when it caused a minor jump the shark moment on CSI back when people still cared about that show. What culture that was, Green Reaper can't figure out, apparently never having heard of "globalization" despite being a UK ex-pat living in the US arguing with a South African (read other comments, lost guy).

Right now, Patch pretty much nailed the point when he politely made a jerkoff motion earlier in the thread about the whole conversation. It's like that time I pointed out people hate furries, and everyone disagreed by pointing out they are unaware of our existence, which, while fair, if anything even more depressing (and also doesn't really contradict the assertation "everyone hates furries" so much as modify it to "everyone who knows furries hates them").

I find the really depressing thing is that, if you are a fan of "anthropomorphic animals" (and I'm still making my own jerk off motions at the pretensions of that word, anthropomorphic, but that's another half-assed comment rant), the furry fandom is pretty damn superflous at this point on the basis of product alone. Furry creativity is really stagnant now; when the mainstream is consistently putting out better niche entertainment than the subculture dedicated to said niche entertainment, well, that's what we like to call a problem, in technical terms. Even when it comes to a medium such as webcomics, where you would expect furries to have the best, you know, furry stuff, I find the last two webcomics featuring animal characters I read and enjoyed are not actually by furries (they were "Prequel" and "Ask Jappleack", by the by).

Now, admittedly, those two comics share obvious traits that a. Show an obvious bias for a certain type of media awareness that I find interesting and b. Could very easily have someone making jerking off motions if their premises were summarized for them, which would be fair, except I think we may have reached the limit for metaphorical air masturbation for this comment, so you'll have to hold onto that for a minute. Umm, metaphorically speaking, of course.

Anyway, speaking of metaphorical sex acts, there's always the possibility that Perri and JM are actually two parts of a symbolic triple penetration with me the third act in this Crazy gangbang. If someone wants to make that assertation (I don't think that's a pun, technically, but it was intended), well, all I can say is I called vagina. I will brook no arguments on that part.


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