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Truth is, I think Perri and JM are spit roasting the same anthropomorphic personification of Crazy; oh, one's at the ass and the other's at the mouth (and they can argue amongst themselves who has what), but it all comes down to them being up to their balls in batshit crazy.

"Mind expanding," indeed. Same thing as JM's assertations that furry is a great opportunity to grow as a person. Whether or not that's true is kinda beside the point; the creepy part is you two have put all your eggs in the furry basket, along with a good deal of your marbles.Both of you sound like freaky ass Moonies or Manson family members; you're already drank the Kool-aid and got your Nikes on for your trip to Hale-Bopp.

Not that they're the only two; cults like Scientology work by targeting the same "young people" JM so wants to improve and then seperating them from the rest of society so that they have no access to outside opinions. Or even outside people, period. It's hard to leave a cult when everyone you know is a cultist; likewise, if your only social interaction is with furries, leaving furry behind, for whatever reason, becomes that much more difficult because it's all you have.

JM is obsessed with the quest for self; even setting aside the fact that "for self" is the very definition of of "selfish", and therefore a questionable pursuit in and of itself, I would like to point out pretending to be something you're not on the Internet (say, a horse) is hardly a great way to be truly yourself. Perri, meanwhile, is trying very hard to ascribe deep meaning to that which is trivial; watching cartoons only makes you better at watching cartoons (and the bitter irony here is that a lot of furries suck at watching cartoons). Also, Perri's WWII bomb illustration is in really poor taste, and I started this comment with a gangbang metaphor.

On the plus side, neithe JM or Perri are actively forming cults; they believe their own verbiage, God bless him; what furry really needs if we want to take this to real cult territory is a charismatic if manipulative leader. Luckily, the average housecat has more charisma than the average furry, so we're pretty safe there.


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