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Ignoramus is a joke; of course I'm not an ignoramus.

Eh, I think I'm over it. Until I get mad about something else and bring it up in a Douglas Adams' "... and another thing" sort of way. Which is probably good. Seriously, if all I called you was pretentious, well, we both got off lucky. I have and probably will again verbally abuse other commenters when angry (we're not supposed to admit the Internet people made us angry, but my favorite pony is Applejack, and she would be sad if I wasn't honest, so tell the truth and shame the devil).

Seriously, this is disappointing. Pretty much years of disagreeing with your opinions, wanting to tell you off about other opinions that wouldn't really be topical here, timely now or for that matter create a discourse liable to change anyone's opinions on the subjects (not that if they were on topic a discourse would matter)(I'm talking about certain columns about the topics of cub and bestiality, basically)(three parenthetical phrases in a row is sloppy writing)(four makes it a joke, however). And now you're here and I'm all like, yeah, whatever. Okay.

Respect is fine, respect is good, and, yeah, we've got that both ways.

Of course, I'm not pretentious at all. I don't even know how to spell it. No, seriously, now that I'm off my cell phone, thank God for the little red squiggly lines. But, yeah, I've pointed out I'm pretentious myself enough in comments that it's more than a little hypocritical.

And not that it's a completely bad thing; sometimes, it's just the difference between presenting an opinion and not presenting an opinion. Which is also a bit like anger; you are nice to a fault, but maybe you should snap a bit more every once in a while. The King Crow piece and Rakuen's piece coming up at the same time was perhaps an unfortunate coincidence, but we all got things off our chest, I suppose.

Also, I never liked the art piece as a piece, anyway, so "ridiculous" is completely fair. Like I said on your site, it was pretty much a "commission" from my brother, so at least he liked it.


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