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It should be noted that JM does not like cartoons; in fact he equates watching cartoons to eating poop in this essay.

"There is a scene in Life Of Pi (the novel, I haven’t seen the film) where our castaway, in desperate hunger, tries to eat his own faeces. His plight is such that he doesn’t register the taste, he simply learns that it contains no sustenance. I feel much the same way about children’s TV, from Barney the Dinosaur through to Family Guy."

Now the guy does certainly like ... something vaguely involving anthropomorphic animals, but, you know, if you can't find a better metaphor for watching cartoons on a furry site than a coprophagia scene from a novel, well, shit.

(Also,years of ranting about JM over here and he just now gets angry? Also, 30 some stories! JM sucks at research ...)


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