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Thanks for trying to get me out of it, but the responsibility is mine; either to find and train a backup/sub-editor, or do the editing myself. Worse, Rakuen is good at providing copy and put in some extra effort this time (which I think you will appreciate when you see the story).

My issue is task-switching; it's more efficient for me to do a batch of related work over a few days than to spread it out over the week. Usually I can each thing fast enough that this isn't a huge issue.

To link this back to the topic, this was an exceptional week. Inkbunny saw a 40% increase in traffic, double the normal upload volume, and a flood of new users - and tweets, which it fell to me to handle (Inkbunny's staff contains nobody active there or on Facebook; another issue to address). It was the site's busiest time in the last three years, and I had to be there for it.


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