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Don't blame him for that; he keeps asking people, and we keep telling him no (and yes he asked me; he already said who he's asked somewhere recently, so that not a secret).

But I will tell you this; I don't have nothing in the queue at the moment. Partially because I've been in a funk since August, and I am three monthly columns down, two movie reviews, two game reviews and approximately a metric shitton of comic reviews behind, plus probably something else, but when I submit stuff, I don't usually have to wait that long. Now, I'm assuming something is in the queue with your name on it, but I don't know how long it has sat there. Maybe we're about the same, actually, and I just am more patient about it; but I know me, so I don't think that's it.

But, are you linking your own stories and putting in pictures and otherwise coding your stuff? You've got enough stories, and they're above average to good usually, so I don't think Green Reaper has to go over it with a fine tooth comb on the writing side. However, if you're putting in your own links, doing that sort of thing, then he doesn't have to do it for you, and that saves time. He may skip over a beautifully written Rakuen Growlithe for a meh crossaffliction because, hey, less work.

If I'm completely off base, I apologize beforehand, because you code your own Newsbytes, so you can make a link. But, you know, you're probably not the only one reading this comment, and this applies to everyone. Also, if your story is time sensitive, you should probably message Green Reaper. If it's not, edit it yourself as much as possible, and then, have patience. It'll get there when it gets there.


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