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The trouble is usually the chair IS the main glue holding many cons together. Once said chair burns out then its a bad episode of hot potato. I know a few cons where even talk of who takes over once *the guy* steps down and you may as well have screamed *fire* in a theater. Not many folks at ALL want a job that is hard, never ending, thankless, and no pay on top of whatever other life they have.

I understand folks upset at this or that con now defunct but its very hard to have a backup for some critical folks waiting in the wings. You can train them, beg for them, wrangle a promise from them, but once that job falls into the lap then it becomes a real chore. I wish more folks would try and take up the job but the very nature of the job filters many folks out, and others who swear they are more then willing you would not trust to operate your kid sister's e-z bake oven.

The idea of suing a conchair who *fires* his board sound like a disaster of epic pain which I would not wish on anyone. If he fires his whole board then it was more then just burnout happening and those details never get released, and rightfully so. Not a great work clause to have in your contract specially for a no pay job you usually pour a lot of your own cash into.

Gaia Bless
Chaircritter for Furnal Equinox


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