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Yes, I use email (and PMs) - and yes, it doesn't scale particularly well, and I know it.

Delegation is key. I've been trying to get the forums back up for this purpose, but there's a theme-related issue that I need to wrestle with when I'm less tired. (It works with every theme except the one everyone uses.)

If I started paying reasonable wages for their writing, I don't think either of us would have enough. Similarly, hiring a professional editor for Flayrah, even part-time, seems like it'd be more trouble and expense than it's worth. Best to keep it to volunteers.

Personally I don't need money right now; I just have limited time to split among three active sites and other duties. There are things I want to do with Flayrah, but Inkbunny and WikiFur have development/editing/moderating/writing needs, too.


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