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And so it happens again. And so does the same comments from the same folks alas :/ * it's not fair, its so selfish, if only they told us, why don't they have spare Chairs in the wings*.. poppycock. pure and utter poppycock. You can plan as much as you want and fight as hard as you can but sometimes things have to come to a end. Bills must be paid, lives must go on, folks get old and retire.

If folks think it is that easy to have spare chairs or several key staff *waiting in the wings* I cheerfully ask them to donate themselves to the nearest furcon and see just how *easy* it really is. Even if you have folks you trained up for it they can just as easily refuse because lets face it.. this is a rough and unloved job folks!. NO pay, almost no perks, and trust me no silly secret *master of the furry fandom* cabal armed with mighty powers over all and sundry. Just a lot of hard working folks who for whatever reason had to shut its doors and go home.

As rough as it is to say to the fandom..please give them respect and let the folks who bled for the con have some small measure of dignity in a tough time. yes it is hard on the fandom, yes it is rude to suddenly close, yes its a terribly bad way to end a wonderful convention but think of the staff..the chairs.. the concom!. These folks will have us pick them apart for years!! for why it happened, and are going to feel even worse every single comment made that comes across as *hey I could have done better*. It is hurtful, it is rude, and it is as false as a politician claiming the check is in the mail. VERY few of us even volunteer at a local charity function much less make a job out of doing a convention, so trust me when I say its a labor of love that at times becomes too heavy to carry.

I hope the fandom can find in this time of festive cheering and kindness towards man that we can simply say what a wonderful convention it was, hope it does have a *offspring* as good as it was, and fond farewells to all involved. Petty name blaming and rumor mongering will just taint the spirit of a wonderful event, and some damn fine talent. I myself wish everyone fan to Chair a wish for a safe holiday, much merriment, and fond memories. We all will meet again and of course keep the spirit alive in our own way.

Gaia bless Belic, K'Graa, and all the FurFrighters. You shall always be friends
ChairCritter for Furnal Equinox


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