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A little off topic
I live in Portland Oregon and regular attend most local geek cons except Comic and Gamestorm. I think one of the panelist at the fan history at Orycon 34 may had known you and some of the early founders of the furry fandom, I wish I had more time to pick his brain.

Orycon had found a way to limited growth (not by design): declare it a writer con and costumers and fans need not to apply. The costume community had thin out recently. I did not see some of the usual fan groups, I saw form 2007. Orycon 33 was the worst. Attendance was hovering around 1600 or less and the board why they cannot attract new blood. Compared Orycon to the local anime con Kumoricon that went from 400 in 2003 to 5684 in 2013. I have hope for a new local multi-genre con Newcon, I put in for two panels on on fury 101 and free sf podcast on the net.
By the way most of the Red Lion/Doubletree Columbia River Hotel burned down it gave Kumoricon a bit of a show.
Correction I was wrong it was the Thunderbird on the River Hotel.


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