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Regarding Update 2, if the convention is changing its leadership and its name, then for practical purposes FurFright is dead and being replaced with a new convention, even if this is with the agreement of the rest of the FurFright committee. I don't know how much a convention can change and be considered the same convention with just a new name and leadership. Certainly nobody considers CaliFur as the same as ConFurence with a new name and leadership, rather than a new convention. Maybe that's partly because CaliFur started its numbering over again rather than continuing with the old ConFurence numbering, and publicized itself as a brand new convention even though it was run mostly by the old ConFurence staff in the same way. FurFright has always been dated rather than numbered, so unless the new committee makes a point of publicizing it as a new convention rather than the old convention with a changed name, the change will go a lot more smoothly.

Fred Patten


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