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True. Much of the confusion right now is because it is unclear whether Belic Bear and K'gra Leopard discussed their situation with the FurFright staff and the majority decision was to discontinue the convention, or whether Belic and K'gra announced FurFright's shutdown taking the rest of the FurFright staff by surprise. If the latter, can the rest of the staff continue FurFright with a new Chair, or is Belic's and K'gra's decision final despite what the rest of the Committee may want?

In Los Angeles, there is plenty of help from other fandoms if the new fandom/convention organizers want it. When anime fans wanted an anime convention (Anime L.A., ten years old now), they asked local s-f fans, costuming fans, and filking fans, who were all glad to help. Several volunteered to serve on the first few Anime L.A. committees. Area furry fans have always insisted that they could put on their own conventions without any help ("bureaucracy"), making many mistakes that the other conventions and fan groups could have warned them about (many fans did, and were generally told to "go away and don't bother us"). The desirability of incorporating as a not-for-profit corporation was one of the first. Result: ConFurence and later Antheria in Redondo Beach self-destructed.

Fred Patten


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