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With all due respect, comparing FCN's decision as a board to close after an incredible successful series of cons with what you're reporting as a "take my ball and go home" situation is incredibly insulting to the con chairs, staff and volunteers that made FCN amazing.

The FCN board gave up weeks of their lives making that con as incredible as it was. They donated hundreds of their manhours, their equipment, and their own money getting it off the ground and keeping it running. The decision to close up wasn't make easily by that group, and it wasn't a split second, decision of anger by any means. FCN has a reputation of being one of the best cons in the nation, and if they felt like it wasn't going to be able to continue at that level, they have every right to decide to close up, leaving us with, what, 50 additional con options to attend throughout the year?

I get that people are upset that two wonderful, incredibly fun cons have closed in a short period of time. But can we have some damn perspective and not dump these two vastly different situations into the same pile? It's ridiculously insulting.


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