This makes me incredibly sad. I live only 30 minutes away from this con, but because of age and then out of state college, I could never go. Next year FurFright was to be my first con I could make it to. Nothing is logistically close enough for me to afford either at this.
I do thank the staff for all their work these past ten years, but agree with the sentiment of GreenReaper. You would think if a con is a general success, a 'Con 101 must-have' would be to network likely replacements if/when a current con chair/boardmember must step down abruptly.
This makes me incredibly sad. I live only 30 minutes away from this con, but because of age and then out of state college, I could never go. Next year FurFright was to be my first con I could make it to. Nothing is logistically close enough for me to afford either at this.
I do thank the staff for all their work these past ten years, but agree with the sentiment of GreenReaper. You would think if a con is a general success, a 'Con 101 must-have' would be to network likely replacements if/when a current con chair/boardmember must step down abruptly.
Hopefully this story will end well.