Note: I five starred this because good reporting (and if I was incorrect before, you're definitely at a hundred now, Higgs); I don't care one way or another about the character.
That being said, this reminds me of the time South Park tried to kill off Kenny permanently (or basically any time any semi-major comic book character is "killed"); bets on how long before this gets retconned (especially if Vinny becomes some sort of "Scrappy" type character, though apparently Bryan kind of was that for a lot of people already)?
Seriously, it's Family Guy; if they want to just bring him back with absolutely no explanation in a season or two, that wouldn't be out of character.
Note: I five starred this because good reporting (and if I was incorrect before, you're definitely at a hundred now, Higgs); I don't care one way or another about the character.
That being said, this reminds me of the time South Park tried to kill off Kenny permanently (or basically any time any semi-major comic book character is "killed"); bets on how long before this gets retconned (especially if Vinny becomes some sort of "Scrappy" type character, though apparently Bryan kind of was that for a lot of people already)?
Seriously, it's Family Guy; if they want to just bring him back with absolutely no explanation in a season or two, that wouldn't be out of character.