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I would really hope that those who are using these methods for the purpose of only boosting their watch numbers are few and far between, perhaps it was a bit mean spirited, sure. I'm actually surprised it wasn't questioned in editing. Other things were I assure you, an entire segment was cut which went over more background about contests and stuff. Basically legalese, but GreenReaper rightly pointed out the law is a grey area which I'm probably not qualified to talk about even though I did some research into it.

Sometimes throwing a little personality into an article makes it more interesting to read. Though if something is out of place it can be distracting. I'm not surprised that this bit came up. If one is doing a contest and putting art into to promote their work that's one thing. People go to FA for the art and giving it out is a great promotional tool, especially for the new comers. However, if one's contest is just throwing cash at people instead of a skill, why sell yourself short? You're just losing money for the feeling of having more watchers. Not the greatest of investment strategies, but I guess one should tolerate people, even when they're doing it wrong. I guess it was a snarky way of saying "Think bigger than yourself."

But while we're on the topic of political correctness, I'd like to share a video where a pundit discusses the very philosophy that I've tried to adhere by through a new concept called "Emotional Correctness".

The jibe was not out of hate and spite for those that use those methods, it was more a "take a step back and look at how ridiculous it is to try and gain watchers via monetary bribery". It may have come off as a bit blunt, and could have been better worded in the context of the article. But not doing everything optimally IS what makes people, people.

I'm sorry you were offended by that one section and hope you got more out of the article than negative emotion. We're furries, we've dealt with worse pot-shots. And quite frankly, if you consider that line bullying, then I'm thankfully you grew up not knowing what real bullying looks like.


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