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Here's the thing though, calling someone a loser and telling them that they're buying friends is a large gap between providing the bouquet of knowledge that is "if you don't provide worth for your account, you will lose a lot of the watchers." One of these things is not like the other. Backhanded malicious comments degrading people is one thing, sage advice and opinion is another.

The issue at hand here is that this article takes a potshot at a segment of the furry population, something that you'll often see GreenReaper show up in the comments to lambast the author. It's not cool, nor is it respectable to write that people are losers who buy friends and that we should all come together and consider them people, too.

Remember folks, labeling a statement as opinion does not make it politically correct or give you a free reign to be mean and spiteful. You are still being mean and spiteful and you are still bullying.


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