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I am just a little saddened by this change. Surprised, not at all, but just a little saddened.

Let me clarify. When the spam to wins started I thought it was the most annoying process possible. But then I discovered ones started popping up advertising things that I've been looking for that I've not been able to find. Starting to follow them I found artists I would have never have found normally and are now at the top of my watches because of these journals. Never won anything, yet still feel the winner for the artists I have found when the advertisements at top and bottom are usually just filled with the same repeated stuff I've not been interested. Yes there are interesting things in those ads, but I notice some that I don't have interest in is repeated a -LOT- more than other ads (dear lord, I can actually remember the name of that comic).

Flipside, I knew this reached ridiculous levels when I looked up and saw people were offering money in the raffles. That's where I thought things were going to start breaking. When it's artists doing such it's a way to get attention to their work but when it became money it was just buying popularity, which I thought was just silly. I can't blame FA for dealing with a situation like that which becomes an annoyance to its user base.

All in all, I hope something like this pops back up again for the artists, but there's no going to stop those buying popularity from abusing the system, so we get to watch the constant evolution as to what's next.


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