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This article is inflammatory and deceitful. GreenReaper appeared in the same giveaway and spread misinformation in an attempt to turn the community against the raffle host. In addition, he has alluded that the raffle sponsor is a ner'do'well who has broken the law, even though multiple people has said he hasn't. He is now using his personal news site as an attack platform, once again proving that GreenReaper is so far removed from the best interests of the furry fandom. Let me quote:

Astro-turf Popufurs- You know, people who give away prizes for more watchers even if they have no products to sell. One could argue they might have fallen into the loser catagory (sic) even before this rule change-- but hey, they're still people who certainly are negatively impacted by this rule change. Sure they're people who buy their friends, but people none the less.

The thick vitriol inside of this remark is hilarious and highlights what I believe to be GreenReaper and FlayRah's agenda to personally attack people. This is historically been an issue within the fandom and continues. This bias is disgusting and only continues to propagate the negative stigma that the community has associated with it. Because someone does a giveaway, it does not give you the right to say that they are "still people" even if they're a "loser."

"buy their friends" is there any way to get clarification on how this operates? How do you 'buy friends'. Do people who enter a raffle come by and paint your house for you? Why even make that remark? What's the point, other than to be mean?

Someone who does something nice for the community, who has purchased a lot of art from both big name artists, small time artists, and who has done a lot at conventions to help people in need does not deserve this kind of treatment from a "trusted furry news source." This is unbecoming of everyone involved.

Sigh, the fandom will never advance as long as this petty drama mongering from people like GreenReaper perpetually continues.


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