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I might as well add my two cents. ohh theology how I loved/hated thee. Well according to most Christian religions (religions, because they do differ from one another. I guess the Core beliefs would be that they believe in Jesus, Yahweh or his many names except if you are Jewish, and a few others I believe, I could be wrong on this but I believe at least one other and there's more to that but I'll refrain. Anyways...) that the Satan or Lucifer of the Bible was one of God's most beautiful and prideful angels and his pride is what made him into a fallen angel and the keeper of Hell, what it does not say is that satan then turned into a horned goat like creature with hooves, this came about from a "Pagan" Diety know as Pan the Goat God which wasn't really evil anyways, he's a God of fertility hence being a goat. From what I've studied it makes sense to me that this was propaganda to incite fear. Now it does mention that Satan as a dragon in some scripture. Just to add a little for, "The more you know" The upside down cross isn't an evil sign but a sign of humility to Jesus because he (Peter) forsoke him. *To the Mods If I have stepped out of line or this is offensive or distasteful, this is not my intention. I know religion sparks many a wars and heated debates, I would not be offended if you erased this. Ty.


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