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DreamWorks Animation's CGI features are reportedly even more enthusiastically popular, and proportionally almost as profitable, in Russia than in America. As a result, DWA is willing to go an extra mile to promote its upcoming works in Russia. The Russian movie industry is scrambling to set up its own CGI animation studios, with mixed but improving results, but little success at getting their movies into the U.S. A Russian CGI production of "The Snow Queen", released last year (Disney's "Frozen" has just come out), is their best so far.

A CGI feature starring anthropomorphized airplanes, recently released directly-to-DVD in America titled “Wings”, looking like a shameless ripoff of Disney’s “Planes” was actually released theatrically in Russia (titled “Ot Vinta 3D”) a full year before “Planes” came out. While the CGI animation is laughably bad in comparison, “Ot Vinta 3D” was wholly produced in Yerevan. Who knew that Armenia even had an animation studio? For a studio’s first effort, it’s not too bad.

Fred Patten


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