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I guess it's a bit different, but it still won't change the fact that if every review actually does include "personal opinion", then I wonder why they are there?

For example, I seen a review on the old movie somewhere, basically unfairly comparing designs to "This world's" wolves, when honestly it could be argued they didn't head that way, it was all a personal idea, which is fine on it's self. When I see things like that, I view that the person says that without personal, or something.
Or wait, was that review, just a review? Or was it part critic? Because people these days try to talk as a critic based on personal opinion.
Anyway, the problem these days is that if "reviews" are consider very important, and "review" are often tied to personal view, then there would be no point for others to see before watching or looking. Maybe I confused "review" with "critic" because sadly, MANY people who claim they are critics (Don't even get me started on RT where every user review is disguised as a "critic").

Oh and no, I wasn't. I was just a bit sad that a article story out there, in the public where everyone (including A&O fans) could see, because no-one will agree with anyone these days.

EDIT: I feel really sad that people like to down vote this all the way down to ground, after I gave out even informational stuff, especially based on the fact that it's been proven clearly that "major biased" sharing has created an unnatural environment around whatever and all. Guess that's the way this "community" works at this time. Basically people on here aren't as open as I think, and yes, it's fair to argue that and I seen people done it before.

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