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Well I heard that reviews are personal opinions before, and I suggested that if criticism is important, and if it's all personal opinion where everyone sees stuff different, than there may be no point honestly.

"Edit -in quotes-:
"Talking of "bias" makes very little sense, because bringing your past experiences to bear in the evaluation of a current work is part of the point."
Yes, I think getting some past experience is the point, but not all experience are biased, and more focused on errors which is never is a style for everyone. Maybe I'm not using the right word when I said "biased". Also, I wasn't attacking the writer, I was suggesting that whenever someone posts info about a random movie, we should let any "biased" or "opinion" thought to the side when it comes to a article to share, perhaps? - Edit finished"

I never said the personal opinion never counted for them selves, I only judge that a critic review available to all, should often keep biased hatred or maybe even deep ignoring interest to them selves whenever someone introduce a movie like this to this website. The purpose of reviews and critics, is often to effect the public thinking often, and if it's all just personal, I guess I hope the fans of this and that, goes make there own then.

Unless, I'm confusing "review" with "critic", are they both different?


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