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The hatred and reviews (Especially the review on here on the old movie) was honestly biased, it only counts as a personal opinion and that's it. I would like to comment on it but it's too old to do so (Unless it doesn't show on front page, lol)

Honestly Fred, I thought you were OK and non-biased open, but in this I see in your last part and in comments, I was kind of wrong.

There are many people who actually enjoyed the movie and even the second, it's great as it's own design, as a Anthropomorphic kind of movie as well, I have to admit they could of done some better stuff (Heard mouths did not match scripts for example), with real errors. This movie (sequel) had a odd graphic thing, but I couldn't tell if it was a style or not. The movie is not Pixar like, but being "open" (THE MOST FUCKING RAREST THING IN THE WORLD! -Ahem, sorry about that-), the graphics look neat and experiencing as it's own thing. But I do like it better in the first I think.

"Edit: Some of the complaints were that these were nothing like real wolves, well of course it's "not" but that's honestly what the design was, it's a anthro movie. >.>"

So as a honest guy sometimes, this movie may not be perfect (Due to it being short, perhaps errors too), but it's not bad either. I think the 3D was fine on it's own, and the styles is basically like any other style.
I think all the hatred against these movies are really pathetic. I feel like I lost 89% more faith lost into this fandom due to the major judgement that happens to be WORSE than outside.
This comment is kind of a reaction to reactions on here, just letting you know.

Edit: Of course I'm going to get down ratings, even though, I didn't even blindly defend it, I did added honest parts. Either way, I don't think the movie deserves hatred, even if blind. I'm currently shocked.


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