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For me, the mother wolf was the only redeemable feature of Alpha and Omega. (The goose and duck also weren't bad.)

Also, am I the only one who picked up an odd evangelical Christian subtext from the movie?

Wow, that animation is BAD. It's actually worse than Space Chimps.

What really pours salt into the wound is that the storyboard art looks really interesting! It's so aggravating that low-budget studios consistently opt for horrible CG over probably-would've-been-passable traditional animation, just because CG is "the in thing." Happily N'ever After had some AMAZING concept art, for example, but the actual movie is ugly on wheels.

re: the Making Of, poor Richard Rich obviously really believes in this shitty, shitty direct-to-video movie. He really has no idea what separates a good animated film from a cheesy one.


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