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Whatever they spent, they hope to make it back; they're asking over $20 for this, or $14.99 as a digital download. Insane!

Worse is to come, according to Wikipedia, whose editors found a financial disclosure detailing two more sequels:

In the DVD and Blu-ray release of Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure, it has been announced that there will be a third and fourth film in the franchise. The third film will be based on a type of game tournament that the characters participate in, and the fourth film will be a Halloween themed adventure. According to a recent document found online, which is believed to be from Lionsgate, the third sequel is to be released between Late 2013 and Early 2014, and then followed by the fourth film in Mid 2014 or so. Alpha and Omega 3 and Alpha and Omega 4 are being directed by Richard Rich again.


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