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What I get from this is that they were running a party, but it got too big and started being more stress than it was worth. Which is fair enough. 372 was pretty big for a party, let alone a thousand; and nobody should feel forced to run a fan event.

The event's public filings always noted the same three or four directors. Perhaps with a few more in the core group they could have made it through, or at least had some people to pass it on to if they didn't want to.

I had a good time at the FCNs I went to, and I'm glad that Gir, Nik and everyone else behind the event ran it for so long.

For Michigan furs, it sucks, of course. They'll have to trek to MFF and AC for the "big con" experience. Vix mentioned Great Lakes Fur Con to be held in Grand Rapids next February, but it's unlikely to attract the crowds that FCN did - and probably couldn't deal with them if it got them.

Some people are trying to organize a one-night farewell party at the hotel.


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