Fred, I caught the Animation Show of Shows... fantastic. One of my 4 fave films from it was "My Mom is a Plane". There's more of that coming out in animated features soon. This one had it's own unique style though, very whimsical with un-hollywood DIY charm, Russian. Had a good time getting beers with Yulia and 4 other film directors from the show. Don't know if you had any ability to catch the show, but my favorite films were that one and: International Fathers Day, Ascension, and Subconscious Password. Even better, one of the directors was a guy one year behind me in animation school I hadn't seen in 11 years... quite a surprise when we met, great time catching up!
Fred, I caught the Animation Show of Shows... fantastic. One of my 4 fave films from it was "My Mom is a Plane". There's more of that coming out in animated features soon. This one had it's own unique style though, very whimsical with un-hollywood DIY charm, Russian. Had a good time getting beers with Yulia and 4 other film directors from the show. Don't know if you had any ability to catch the show, but my favorite films were that one and: International Fathers Day, Ascension, and Subconscious Password. Even better, one of the directors was a guy one year behind me in animation school I hadn't seen in 11 years... quite a surprise when we met, great time catching up!