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If we're talking about Ents, we should definitely talk about the Harvard Lampoon's Bored of the Rings, which features actual vegetable people as their Ent spoof led by the Jolly Green Giant(the bogies, the hobbit parody, also are clearly rat-like, and feature "vestigial" tails).

All in all, the Jolly Green Giant joke is about par for the course for the lame jokes of the spoof, but it had it's moments. The Bilbo parody trying to welsh on a bet with the Elrond parody about whether the main characters would even make it to Rivendell was pitch perfect, and of course the wonderful line, "This is going to be a long epic."

Steal the name and use the "long epic" line as the tagline while updating the jokes to better fit the movies and other more recent fantasy films, and it could make a decent animated movie, actually. Just obviously let keep certain screenwriters away from it.


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