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Yarst; why didn't I think of the Ents? And I consider myself a LOTR fan! Surely, the Ents are plant-people.

Come to think of it, the living flower garden in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", as well. Carroll's original story as well as the Disney movie.

And I saw the VeggieTales movie, though I am trying to forget that one.

Are there any plant-morphs in Clark Ashton Smith's horror story "The Seed from the Sepulcher", or just carnivorous plants? It's been about sixty years since I read it, but all that I remember is mobile carnivorous plants that chased the main character.

Oh, and "The Ivy War", by Doctor David Henry Keller comma M period D period. He was less famous for his stories than for being extremely pompous when s-f fans visited him during the 1930s and insisting that they remember that he was A Doctor. But it was a good horror story, or at least I thought so when I was in my early teens. Set in New Jersey, as I remember, about carnivorous ivy taking over the state.

Fred Patten


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