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It's true; a great writer can make almost any topic interesting. However, it's harder for such a site to get funding - advertisers will say "what is this site about?" - and to gain a dedicated following. Plus, if you're writing about everything under the sun, you're probably not going to become an expert in any of it.

One reason I don't read Cracked is that it doesn't really cover anything in particular - they seem to just pick a random topic de jour, find a few remotely-related examples, and post a numbered list. It's disposable content.

…if there wasn't a hiatus, do you think this article would be getting this many comments otherwise?

Yes. In part because it has a giant picture of Audrey II on it, and in part because it's one of those discussion-type posts which encourages comments.

As a practical matter, a brief hiatus - which in this case, as usual, is entirely my fault - doesn't matter as much as you might think. Most of our audience visits individual stories via a referral (usually social networking) or search, whenever we happen to post. 60% came directly to this page, and the ratio only increases when another site links to a piece.


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