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Yes and no :) im not going to put out a regular plantsuiter update for my own amusement, but I enjoyed doing a 1-off... content wise, think of con panels. Go if you like it, or do something else. Take a "fitness for furries" panel. I wonder how many of those could we find if we looked at the panel list for Rainfurrest this month? (They exist, I won't belabor the point though.)

You can find lots of fans of furry's music! FA's main submissions seem to be photos, drawings, stories, and music. Bet you could get more than a few furry web designer/developers to socialize too (maybe the same ones needing a fitness for furries panel ;) Of course the more off topic it gets, the more it calls for its own site. Thats why the furry music articles I have in the queue are cross posted to to help out Roo's furry music focus.


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