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Among 10,000 wolves, foxes, and other "garden variety" characters, you can find 1 like a potato/otter. The cool part is that only one of them. As fandom expands, you might see a little more of that. When you hear "that's not furry", an appropriate response is "why be so literal?" Is that what furry is about?

When you see a plant "fursuit" made by a fursuit maker, then actually, that meets the definition of furry creativity because a furry made it. Most music made by furries doesnt have too much furry relation besides that either, but it still gets called furry.

I feel a little annoyed at the term "garden variety"... in these days of industrial monocultured agribusiness, it really means the opposite of what it implies! Think of these plant fursuiters as kind of the farmer's market heirloom tomato next to the GMO supermarket corn of your average fox and wolf furry. I'm being silly of course because furry is still a largely DIY activity and thats why I love it :)


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