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I'm sorry plants and vegetation out there, but I really don't think you should count as furries at all. You're anthro, sure, but you're as furry as the bronies, talking cars, robots, aliens and anything else. Regardless of your 'fur'suits and your personas, it is only anthropopmorphic and to say that you're furry is like calling you animals. I totally agree with the guy above me and its a little surprising that it isn't common logic.

On another note, I really don't empathise with these guys... Scalies, bronies and the like I can understand completely, but I don't understand why someone would have such a relationship with a plant persona. In fact, what even composes a plant fursona? Even if you're not interested in personas, what are you interested in then? No offence, but do you go around watching animations on corn people and talking roses? I guess I can partially understand the concept of merging a fursona with a plant, but honestly I want to know more about all of this; I hate being ignorant, especially to something so close to my culture.

(And yes, I consider the furry fandom a fully-fledged culture, not a subculture in any way considering brony hood would be a subculture)


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