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Wow, 2015??? That's quite a long time, are they hoping memories of the live action movies will have faded by then?

The artistic design of the chipmunks is interesting, I'm a little surprised they've increased the length of their tails while at the same time making them look... more human? I'm a fan of tails but the more human look to their bodies/clothing and faces is less something I would enjoy. It's a little weird but at first glance the new design reminded me of the current design of the Chuck E. Cheese character... but at least that one still looked like a rodent.

I loved the 90's cartoon back in the day but I don't know if I could revisit the show at this point unless the writing is great - the animated movie was a fantatistic way to end the show.

The less said about the live action movies the better in my opinion, though I'll concede this could only be a step-up from that at the very least.


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