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Thanks for the "improvement" to my comment, but the link that I posted was to the original 1958 record album cover, where the chipmunks really look like chipmunks, not humans.

My encounter with chipmunks: in 1966, I was carpooling with a group of Los Angeles s-f fans driving to the World S-F Convention, in Cleveland, Ohio that year. We stopped in Zion National Park one day about noon for a picnic lunch. There were signs all around the picnic area, "Do Not Approach The Chipmunks! They are carriers of bubonic plague germs!" Hah! As soon as we unpacked our sandwiches, the chipmunks poured out of nowhere, ran up our legs onto our arms and hands, bit our fingers to make us drop the sandwiches, dove off our hands to catch the sandwiches in midair, and were out of sight again with them in what seemed like less than a minute.

None of us got the bubonic plague.

Fred Patten


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