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I always found it kind of amusing how people will bend over backwards to say they're not a furry, while in the midst of doing furry activities. Given the stigma furry has it's understandable, but the very loud public denial still come across as "The lady doth protesteth too much." I mean, to use the Star Trek analogy, if someone went to Trek events, built and sold Trek merchandise, were active on a Trek-specific website and made a portion of their income from other Star Trek con attendees, it would be safe to assume that person was involved with Star Trek. If they did all that then loudly proclaimed they were not into Trek and were nothing like those "other" losers who were Trekkies, they would just be laughed at.

TL:DR-- if you go to furry cons, draw and sell furry art, and are active on a furry website, you're a furry. Deal with it.


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