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Too true. When I was around 5 years old (World War II was just ending), my favorite comic-book character was Sheldon Mayer's Amster the Hamster, a supporting character in Mayer's funny-animal comics for DC (I guess National Periodical Publications at the time) comics. Not because he was a hamster, or because he was a funny-animal, but because he was a short (like I was at 5 years old) con artist who could fast-talk all the bigger funny animals into ANYTHING. (I later found out that he was a funny-animal version of W. C. Fields.) At 5 years old, surrounded by bigger adults and older kids, I thought that this was a wonderful talent to have. I wanted to be just like Amster the Hamster. The fact that he was furry or that he wasn't human didn't seem important.

Fred Patten


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