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Of course, it's based on a lot of things, but you can argue them of course and though some are based on just plain personal uncontrollable (Can't learn to keep to them selves) taste. Maybe even nothing but that might be more rare.
It does remind me of the anti-gay thing, there are some people who just teaches that there wasn't anything wrong with Gay while ignoring people's religious ways: by just directing attacking the beliefs (Keep religion based arguments to selves, or something), but there are also those who argue in religion, finding proof that the bible wasn't talking about homosexuality, or anything about it. Yet, even more possible ways to argue since there are lot's of possibilities.

"So one must always understand if their goal is to not be hated by anyone, than you must be known by no one and must have no identity." Not sure if you mean "then" instead of "than", are you suggesting that a person who may be hated should hide them selves instead of standing up with the possibility of good change?


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