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Well that is clearly there fault for choosing to whine about it and leave. Instead, we should be offering them steps to ignore it and realize it exist in culture and that it's kind of everywhere, kind of. They could clearly find rooms without the porn or even non-porn "sexy attraction" and leave the other public areas be. Or if it's just stuck, tell them to ignore it still. (Like how I had to ignore things)
There was this Alpha and Omega fan of something one time, complaining that a little porn of it he just happened to find somewhere has "ruined" his own journey about it, so after "face-palming" a lot, I told him that it was clearly his fault for going there or choosing not to ignore it. Before I told him a dozen times, he kept *bitching* about new news based on his so called "awful" experience. I get it, your (Him/Her) not into something others happen to like, so just ignore it. lol This was in some news area talking about some sequel and trailer.

So trying to defend them aka work for them instead of the less control brave idea is what I thought to be, kind of feeding off a selfish idea.

"You should do less stating your opinion as fact..."
So people can't offer ideas that is actually necessary? What people do these days (The bad censorship) is based on stupid sh***y opinions that is being forced on people, and what he/she suggesting is less opinion, more for something that can actually be real.
Yes, society should be less moralizing because it has caused a ton of problems.


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