DaryxFox speaks of taboo sex "driving away potential fans". No, I'll bet you anything furry porn has exploded the amount of furry fans. Like porn did for the internet itself.
It may be interest that people keep private because it's taboo. It might not encourage deep commitment. But it makes a context for it. Many furry fans grew lasting interest after being drawn that way.
DaryxFox says "we need not bring too much attention to the socially unacceptable parts of the fandom".
Let's do the opposite, and be comfortable treating people like grown-ups who can manage themselves, and don't need to have their standards managed for them. The normative view of "obscenity" has no objective measurement. It's for control. Don't give it to them. Celebrate weirdness and let your freak flag fly. It's part of humanity, as old as the god Pan with his goat's legs.
When pornography came out as a legitimate industry in the 1960's, it was part of social change that blew away the restrictions of the 1950's. It came with civil rights and LGBT acceptance. Of course it was business, with more hedonism than idealism, but there are documentaries about the role of porn as a harbinger of freedom.
I love the blogger who wrote, "the internet was the Chixulub asteroid for anti-porn activists." (the reason dinosaurs went extinct.) People no longer realistically think it will go away. Let's be that way too.
Ignore haters at least. Or be more radical, and queer the morals of uptight sourpusses. Society should do less moralizing. People should have more fun and sex, and care about it less. Shaming and fundamentalism is evil.
Everything you said x 2.
DaryxFox speaks of taboo sex "driving away potential fans". No, I'll bet you anything furry porn has exploded the amount of furry fans. Like porn did for the internet itself.
It may be interest that people keep private because it's taboo. It might not encourage deep commitment. But it makes a context for it. Many furry fans grew lasting interest after being drawn that way.
DaryxFox says "we need not bring too much attention to the socially unacceptable parts of the fandom".
Let's do the opposite, and be comfortable treating people like grown-ups who can manage themselves, and don't need to have their standards managed for them. The normative view of "obscenity" has no objective measurement. It's for control. Don't give it to them. Celebrate weirdness and let your freak flag fly. It's part of humanity, as old as the god Pan with his goat's legs.
When pornography came out as a legitimate industry in the 1960's, it was part of social change that blew away the restrictions of the 1950's. It came with civil rights and LGBT acceptance. Of course it was business, with more hedonism than idealism, but there are documentaries about the role of porn as a harbinger of freedom.
I love the blogger who wrote, "the internet was the Chixulub asteroid for anti-porn activists." (the reason dinosaurs went extinct.) People no longer realistically think it will go away. Let's be that way too.
Ignore haters at least. Or be more radical, and queer the morals of uptight sourpusses. Society should do less moralizing. People should have more fun and sex, and care about it less. Shaming and fundamentalism is evil.