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Sooo... are you guys (Not all) saying that people should censor there lives to avoid the hatred of society in order for only the non-taboo side of the Fandom to be accepted?

I find that sick, and very selfish to be honest if that's the case.. Especially when it's actually the public's fault for making the sexuality of it a taboo in the first, f*#king place. It's not our fault, it's basically the other way around, and ignoring that is the "unhealthy" one. It is clearly possible that those fans could of looked at there own hatred and figure things out.
The way some guys are suggesting on here, is a path to control. If we were to focus on being brave and perhaps teaching society a lesson for other people, there would be less control.

I kind of feel sad on what this has led too, which is why I kind of left this Fandom, sort of.
Even if this was just for now, I don't think it's still fair to say, "THIS" is the only way to make it work, because that probably isn't even possible due to the Freedom of this Fandom, the better way is to teach those "fans" something about the difference, and the rest of the world about it, fairly.


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