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I don't want to sound mean but:

"More importantly, why the need to display private (your sex life, orientation) and disturbing (man fucks his cat) things in front of everyone? Does the world really need to know that? Does it WANT to?"

"Still, I have one last thing to add. Think of all the young fans of anthropomorphics; fans who would surely enjoy joining a fandom of like-minded individuals. And yet, they hesitate, because they don't want to be seen close to a bunch of weirdos."

I really f***ing hate people who suggest people to remain in closets and remain sheep from societies bigotry bull who lacks any form of science these days. I mean that's all I see often, feeding off societies hatred instead of directly attacking there hatred, eh? For only one selfish side of furry who attacks others for who they are and call them "freaks" and feed the real trolls.

False stereotypes is bad for identities (Same if someone claim every furry (Or non-furry) was NOT like this too), but that and some other things is too far. And a bit mis info, I mean it's a news site, not a G rated site.

Edit: F*** I didn't notice EDITING this was going to make this back on the front page again. This isn't new. Damn it. I mean all I did was fix one letter/symbol and, oh god.


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