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No, being almost at ground zero for this fiasco, the author in question did not write a sequel to the series because he didn't want to become connected to the fandom, he did it to "spite" the myriad of a gaggle furry fanboys that pestered him about continuing the series, and some of the suggestions of what should transpire in the series.

Didn't mind the initial additional attention, got really sick and tired by a handful of extremely obnoxious %$#@&! who, eventually ruined for everybody. John K, Catlos King, Elizabeth Quentin, et al, suffered from this "symptom"

Stan Sakai is made of more stern stuff, and has had a longer dealing with the fandom, so he know s when to duck when the proverbial fan dumb caca hits the proverbial rapidly spinning device, and just deal with the sane, professional individuals in the fandom.

No, the author is not a "Douchebag", just somebody that got cornered against the wall.


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