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I was critical of that decision at the time, but as time goes on and I look at all the possible variables I have altered my position a bit.

My though was it was purely Ross V. Kage at the time, but decisions like these don't happen in a bubble, I'm sure the relations with Pittsburgh had some influence over the decision. Worries about the city being concerned about the safety of its citizenry because of pro-gun furs. Worries about furries being searched more often, or of more police getting involved over regulating the con. These are all possibilities which I didn't consider when making the original assessment.

If the decision was deciding to sacrifice the one fur who caused a stink to save face with the hosting city, I'd be hard pressed to say it was a wrong call. Having one fan lose access to one of many furry conventions is not as hard on the fandom as an entire convention losing a city.


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