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I have a feeling that the standard to kill a story makes it very unlikely. I've posted, like, crazy shit here. The only one Green has EVER killed from me was one that was completely redundant in every way, because all of the info in it was already covered by multiple articles posted here in the past. Because I was too dumb to do a search before I started writing. That was a fine reason not to publish it that I agreed with.

Here's an idea:

With the way furry activity seems to be growing and making more content (look at cons), I'd say it can justify creating "departments" like other news outlets have, and channel the info towards readers for clarity.

This place already prefaces stories with "opinion", "review" etc. (Not to mention tags.) For crime stories, label it the "Furry neighborhood watch" department. There's your positive explanation for why it's here.

As a side comment... I already brought up with Green the idea of "local bureaus". Like, I'd be putting a lot of news into the San Francisco Bay Area Furry bureau. Torfur = Toronto Furry. Etc. I'd browse them to see what's going on in other subcultural hot spots, where otherwise you don't get the info, unless you're dedicated to signing up to their mailing lists. There are tons of super active furbowls and such events springing up, and they don't know what each other is doing. I'd love to compare our local Fremont Furbowl to the Delaware Furbowl. Or Frolic to Foxtrot. You could send invites to local forums/lists and it would be up to locals to step up and volunteer to post what's going on with them.

Well, Green mentioned "editorial bandwidth" as maxed, but there's that idea anyways.


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