Mike Godwin said, "The First Amendment was designed to protect offensive speech, because nobody ever tries to ban the other kind."
The Fourth Estate is founded on a related principle, that the "offensiveness" of a story isn't what's important, but rather its *truth*.
If this site reported only the happy and fuzzy, it would be of less value. Now, propaganda has its place: it entertains, advocates, and unifies. But we already have venues that fulfill those functions. The function that's needed -- and that Flayrah admirably fills -- is *news*.
Real news validates a market. It follows the unthinking lovers and haters, the reactionaries, and the clowns. It shows that a subject has depth, is worth talking about. It's a sign of maturity. And its irreplaceable.
[For the record, I've worked alternatingly in news media and public relations for about fifteen years. My portfolio shows some of my recent pieces in both.]
Mike Godwin said, "The First Amendment was designed to protect offensive speech, because nobody ever tries to ban the other kind."
The Fourth Estate is founded on a related principle, that the "offensiveness" of a story isn't what's important, but rather its *truth*.
If this site reported only the happy and fuzzy, it would be of less value. Now, propaganda has its place: it entertains, advocates, and unifies. But we already have venues that fulfill those functions. The function that's needed -- and that Flayrah admirably fills -- is *news*.
Real news validates a market. It follows the unthinking lovers and haters, the reactionaries, and the clowns. It shows that a subject has depth, is worth talking about. It's a sign of maturity. And its irreplaceable.
[For the record, I've worked alternatingly in news media and public relations for about fifteen years. My portfolio shows some of my recent pieces in both.]