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We could get into examining why it's futile to try to re-define something as "not furry" through ignoring it, why "creepy" is a feelings-based label with no meaning because nobody claims it for themselves, and why "private" and "disturbing" are likewise personal judgements that don't have more value than anyone else's standards in free and open discussion. But those things are all made moot by this:

Does furry fandom need to recruit? Is this an army, a business or a religion? No, it's a hobby. It reflects the complex and unlimited personal interests of anyone who chooses the label. Who cares if some people are too oversensitive for it?

You CAN keep your hobby to yourself BTW, and avoid choosing to make yourself feel in conflict with society. So, if we're talking about keeping private things private-the feeling reflects back on the feeler first of all, and other people's business is secondary. If you feel uncomfortable with associating with other furry fans, don't call yourself one in public. That's how it is when there's no membership commitee or gatekeeper approving who's in, and it's a very good thing there isn't.

Of course there are good reasons to think about image and common courtesy and being nice to each other, and all that hippie stuff that comes with a community. Also it's not unreasonable or negative to be selective about how or whether you associate with furries. When i can, i help art students to separate hobby and professional image. But usually when i meet one who i can tell is into furry art, i dont let them know i know, to respect their privacy unless they choose to bring it up. Otherwise i'm their professionally secret ally they dont know they have.


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