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OK this is cool. So I wonder,

Who has stuck around the longest?

In the yearly breakdown of story types... how did they change by year, and did more stories = more original content, or more fluffy stuff? (Only 12 con reports? ) It would be neat to see an infographic showing type changes over time. Get on that Crossie ;) Also: breakdowns of reader traffic by time, sources, story subjects. (Get on that too ;)

Now after looking back, here is the biggest area for future growth I could imagine: actually assigning stories rather than being a catch-basket for whatever falls in. And that could call for:

- "news bureaus": (like, local contributions recruited from active mailing lists/forums)
- "channels": International, local, media and internet news. Arts and entertainment (con reports, reviews, sports and *fursuiting*! :) Society, personality and interviews. Opinion and politics (of fandom). Crime, yes, furry crime. Furry business. Syndicated blogs and whatnot.
- Regular polls of stories needing to be assigned... what do people want to read? Who is interested in writing it? Who wants comments about a personal list of stories to try? (I keep a casual list)
- Crazy dream: crowd-sourcing a budget to assign a feature each month. Like this: contributors pay $2 for a chance to cast a vote. Writers pitch a story and it goes to a poll. The top-voted story in the poll gets the budget. Then readers get whatever feature came on top of the poll they paid to vote on.
- I would donate some sort of money to implement any of these.
- tl;dr: Let's ruin Greenreaper's life and make him be THE furry media mogul, as if this place isn't already a chore.

Furry is serious business!


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