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Well, just got back from Planes, and I can safely say my favorite animated movie of the year is a former direct-to-DVD feature given a chance at the theaters; but enough about My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (Badumptish!).

It's definitely a better take on the "underdog from nowhere wins the big race" than Turbo, and while it is decidedly bland, it wasn't as bland-bland-blandity-bland-bland as Epic. It's kind of like the character of Dusty in the movie, actually; it finishes sixth in the tryouts for "best theatricral animated release I saw this year," but it could still be fifth due to disqualification because Wreck-It Ralph had a short re-release I caught at the beginning of the year. (For the record, from first to last, MLP:EG, The Croods, Monsters University, Despicable Me 2, Planes, Turbo and Epic, with Escape from Planet 51 rented for over a month from RedBox but still not seen, and I'm going to have to wait forever for Ernest and Celestine or resort to piracy.)

It's also way better than Cars 2, though about even with the original Cars. Also, I haven't been reading any reviews of it, but are they really complaining about the quality of the animation? Really? It looks fine, and with a higher degree of difficulty than a lot the actual Cars movies (that storm over the ocean sequence was, I'm sure, very difficult to animate, and yet very well done).

I am contractually obligated to make a joke about how the trailer mislead me to believe this was some kind of slasher; seriously, White Zombie's "More Human than Human" was an odd choice!


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